

Módní nadšenci, pionýři retailu a technologičtí inovátoři. ZOOT je společnost, která dělá módu jinak a razí unikátní omni-channel koncept, který spojuje to nejlepší z online a offline světa do jednoho rychle rostoucího lovebrandu. Společnost ICORE je pro ZOOT skutečně spolehlivým a velmi flexibilním partnerem, se kterým ZOOT dlouhodobě spolupracuje na rozvoji distribuce ve světě módy.


Since 2007, the E15 Daily has belonged amongst the most respected opinion media in the Czech Republic. Within the print media its controlled distribution represents a very effective tool in regard to the delivery of information and, of course, also for advertising to a specific group of readers. The principal distributor of E15 is the ICORE Company, which, on a daily basis, reliably provides delivery of this daily for Mladá fronta Publishing to all the racks located throughout the Czech Republic.


As one of the leading providers of logistics services in the Czech Republic, the FIEGE Company offers for its customers the optimisation of a comprehensive logistics chain - from the storage and the assembly of goods to their distribution to end-customers, including reverse logistics. FIEGE provides a quality service for its customers in cooperation with the ICORE Company.

Atoz Group

Atoz Group
The Atoz Group, which was founded in 1992, is the leading publisher of B2B publications and an event organiser active in the retail, the logistics and the catering sectors in the Czech and the Slovak Republics. For the ATOZ Group the ICORE Company represents both a trustworthy and a reliable partner.

Aned Production

Aned Production
ANED Production implements corporate, promotional and other events and in addition it provides the moderation of and complete technical support for all these events. ANED Production can produce a turn-key event from the initial concept, through the selection of the venue to its realisation and, for the ICORE Company ANED Production is an important and proven partner in this respect.

Mladá fronta

Mladá fronta
Mladá fronta a.s. is one of the largest publishing houses in the Czech Republic. It has been building its reputation based on its many years of experience, its professionalism and its dynamic growth. Also related to these factors is the wide-ranging and diverse portfolio of titles that it publishes. The ICORE Company has been a long-term serious partner of Mladá fronta in the segment of complex logistics, transport and distribution.
ICORE, s. r. o. 2015, všechna práva vyhrazena